Intimate relationships are never easy and too many don’t survive. Courtrooms and counselors’ offices are full of couples who didn’t set out to destroy their love; it just looks as if they did. Maybe you’re one of those couples…trying to figure out how you went from newlywed to nearly dead...and you never saw it coming...or you did and you didn't know how to stop it.
Seldom does a single, malicious act kill a relationship. More often, strangely enough, it’s comfort. How can comfort be a killer? Everybody loves comfort. Comfort is pleasant. But, comfort can be dangerous. Comfort means, "Let's just keep the peace; let's not confront this conflict, let's not fix that problem. Let's just avoid the pain and kick the can down the road. It's more comfortable that way."
Comfort is a close cousin to complacency. And complacency is often boring and mundane. Comfortable couples run the risk of drifting apart…slowly, imperceptibly, then waking up to find that they’re living parallel lives, completely disconnected. Many couples describe being stuck in a rut. And we all know that a rut is just a grave with the ends dug out.
If that’s where you are, be advised: if you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. “Comfortable” relationships are actually quite dangerous. If your relationship is dying from comfort, if you want something different, then DO something different. Get out of your comfort zone. It could do wonders for your love.
A Hold Me Tight®️ weekend couples retreat can make a world of difference. Come to Orlando and get out of you rut. Join other couples for two days of learning and making sense of your relationship. Learn the powerful lessons of attachment science. Learn to understand the patterns that create conflict and distance between you and your partner. Learn to interrupt those patterns. Break out of complacency. Learn new patterns that will connect you and create safety together. Heal old wounds and take your relationship deeper than it’s ever been.
Couples who attend Hold Me Tight®️ workshops consistently use words like “transformational” and “amazing” to describe their experience in the span of just two days. Many couples say they make more progress in two days than they’ve made in months of couples therapy. They leave with confidence and a path forward. Some leave saying they have hope they’ve never had and never thought they could find.
Hold Me Tight®️ is easy and low key. It’s different from therapy. Couples go at their own pace. No one is put on the spot. You will learn how much you have in common with other couples, how normal you really are. You will develop new skills. You will leave with a road map for finding one another and where you want to go as a couple.
Robert Allen said, “Everything you ever wanted is just outside your comfort zone.” If you want a closer relationship, take a little risk—measured risk, mind you, but step out of your comfort zone. The reward is a deeper, closer relationship, and it’s just as near as our next Hold Me Tight®️ weekend. It’s next month. Don’t miss it!
All the details are on this website. Seating is limited. Sign up today!